Upcoming Events

Plantation Park Easter - Candy Drive

March 19, 2025 • All Day |Open Road Fellowship Church

Easter is coming, which means it is time to hang out with "our" kids over at Plantation Park Elementary. Each year we get the opportunity to head over to Plantation Park to hang out with the kindergarteners, showering them with love and having an Easter Egg hunt. The kids and teachers have a blast! If you have never had the opportunity to participate in our activities at Plantation Park, you are missing out on a true blessing!

So mark your calendars and watch for more information as dates and times are confirmed with the school. Below is the tentative plan for this year:

  • Candy Collection:  March 23rd - April 13th
  • Candy Drop-off:   Open Road Fellowship Church or On The Road Coffee Co.

We need to stuff some eggs (lots and lots of eggs) - so we need candy. We are collecting individually wrapped candy [no chocolate, please] to stuff into the eggs (lots and lots of eggs). We have started our collection drive which will run through Sunday, April 13th. Bring your candy to the church, or you can also deliver it to On The Road Coffee Co. (next to Pepe's).

  • Egg Stuffing Party:  Sunday, April 13th @ 6:00 pm
  • Easter Egg Hunt With the Kids: Monday, April 14th

His Hour

March 30, 2025 • 10:00am |Worship Center

This four-week Easter series examines Jesus's repeated references to "His hour" throughout the Gospel of John, following the trail all the way to the cross. These sermons are designed to deepen your congregations's affection for Christ, as the hour of Jesus is that moment in time when God in Christ reveals His unconditional and unwavering love for the world.

As Jesus enters Jerusalem, He knows that "His hour" is quickly approaching. He understands the reason He came into the world: to die for the sins of humankind. Such a sacrifice will bring glory to the world, revealing God's unconditional love for a world shrouded in darkness. 

Jesus characterizes Himself as a light that reveals the truth of God. Those who believe in this light will become "sons of light." As sons and daughters of God, we are called to be lights in a dark world, lighting the way to Jesus Christ and bringing hope to the dispirited and disenchanted. 

5th Sunday Potluck

March 30, 2025 • 12:15pm |Hangar 316

It's 5th Sunday time! Plan on staying with us following service for an afternoon of great food and fellowship. We have some great cooks, so join us as we chow down together on some fine "vittles." The day should be nice, so plan on making it a lazy day sitting around visiting, maybe having that extra piece of dessert.

Guys, let's show our guests a great day. Dust off those recipes and let's overflow the tables with your best dish. Head over to Mealtrain (click here) to let us know what you can bring.

Man Church - Men of Courage

April 1, 2025 • 6:00pm |The Stable
When men begin honoring God by surrendering their hearts and lives to Him, the entire family changes... and when whole families change through a husband & father living these values and beliefs daily, it creates a priceless legacy that will resonate for years to come.

Join us for Man Church @ The Stable where you'll receive a...

  • Manly Meal (6:00 pm): FREE Burgers and dessert!
  • Manly Music(6:30 pm): Awesome Live Worship!
  • Manly Message: Word from the Lord via Pastor Marcus Briggs, Riverpark | Shreveport!

For guys of ALL ages (12-120), so make sure to bring a friend!

If you can't make it, catch the live stream on Facebook.

For guys of ALL ages (12-120), so make sure to bring a friend!   Check out Men Of Courage LA on Facebook for more info and updates...

Woman Church - Women of Courage

April 3, 2025 • 6:00pm |Shane's Seafood and BBQ


Real Women, Real Worship, Real Word!  

Mission: To encourage, equip, & empower women of any background to be sold out and surrendered to God. 

Head out to gather together with other women from the area for an uplifting evening of Worship, Fellowship, and Inspiration. Come connect, and be part of something special! 

The speaker will be Mary Hart, Embrace Grace Leader.

So save the date, bring your Bible, and join up for Woman Church at Shane's.

  • Free Meal!
  • Awesome Worship!
  • Powerful & encouraging message!

** Important Note for this Women of Courage Event **

We want to make you aware that sensitive topics will be discussed at this Women of Courage event. While we encourage young women aged 12 and up to attend and to educate them, parents need to use their discretion.

This event will not be broadcast on Facebook.

We are here to answer any questions or provide more information if needed. We look forward to seeing you there!

Check out Women Of Courage LA on Facebook for more info.

Night of Worship

April 4, 2025 • 7:00pm |Open Road Fellowship Church

It seems like the year is flying by... but, let's take a moment and slow down as we come together for a night of all-out worship. Let's gather and sing out our praise to the God of the universe who is the only One worthy of our praise! Let's take some time to pray together and take communion together. Come out and plan on having an amazing night in the presence of God.

Invite your friends and join us for a great night of worship and fellowship. See you Sunday evening, April 4th, as we lift our voices in praise for the blessings He has rained down on us!

1st Sunday Food & Clothing Drive

April 6, 2025 • 9:00am |Open Road Fellowship Church

It's the 1st Sunday of the month... it's time for our Food & Clothing Drive.  We can't feed everybody, we're not a homeless shelter, we're not even a food pantry... but we can partner with other ministries to help them accomplish their tasks in what God has called them to do.

This Sunday, bring in a bag of non-perishable food items.  We are making a difference in people's lives that are down and out.  It may be you one day needing just a little bit of help.  Also, go through your closets and look for those clothes that don't fit anymore or you haven't worn in awhile.  Bring them in for those who just need a little help.

1st Sunday Food & Clothing Drive... let's make an impact!!

His Hour

April 6, 2025 • 10:00am |Worship Center

This four-week Easter series examines Jesus's repeated references to "His hour" throughout the Gospel of John, following the trail all the way to the cross. These sermons are designed to deepen your congregations's affection for Christ, as the hour of Jesus is that moment in time when God in Christ reveals His unconditional and unwavering love for the world.

God in Christ is love incarnate with us. The love of Jesus was an enduring love. It persevered to the very in. The defects of his disciples - their faults, weaknessess, and corruption - couldn't stand in the way of Jesus' love. Lack of faith and understanding, pride and obsessions with power, even betrayal and denial couldn't dissuade or stymie the unconditioanal love of Jesus Christ. No: He loved till the bitter end. If Jesus' love for His disciples never faltered, then His love for us never will either. Believers should find immense comfort in the enduring love of Christ. 

Abbie Lane Serve Day - 2025

April 12, 2025 • 7:00am |Abbie Lane Retreat Center

Serving on Sunday is great, but out in the community is where we are truly called to be.  So, it's time to get out and on Saturday, April 12th, we will be heading down to Coushatta.  We will have our next church-wide serve day at the Abbie Lane Pastor's Retreat Center, a place that has an impactful ministry in helping pastors rest and recover.  We will help them out with various projects around the property as needed... the work doesn't matter - the blessing does.  


  • Breakfast ready at 6:30 am
  • Depart Open Road for Retreat Center in Coushatta at 7am.
  • Arrive at Abbie Lane Retreat Center at 8am.
  • Work on various projects on property till noon.
  • Lunch break 12pm - 1245pm.
  • Devotion and exploring prayer gardens till 2pm.
  • Leave Abbie Lane and return to Open Road by 3pm.

His Hour

April 13, 2025 • 10:00am |Worship Center

This four-week Easter series examines Jesus's repeated references to "His hour" throughout the Gospel of John, following the trail all the way to the cross. These sermons are designed to deepen your congregations's affection for Christ, as the hour of Jesus is that moment in time when God in Christ reveals His unconditional and unwavering love for the world.

God gave Jesus divine authority "over all flesh." Specifically, He gave Christ the keys to the kingdom as bestower of salvation. Jesus' "hour" is inextricably tied to His role as Savior. Thus, the hour of the Lord is that historical moment when Jesus freely offers salvation to the world, fulfilling everything that must be fulfilled in order to procure redemption for all believers. His hour is our salvation. Jesus is our salvation.

Come As You Are - Sundays at 10 am