Louisiana Life March Northwest

Saturday, January 25, 2025 • 10:00am-1:00pm

Shreveport Festival Plaza

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Come out and join with others for the Louisiana Life March Northwest in 2025 to support moms, defend life, and proclaim that everyone deserves a birthday! Even with the reversal of Roe v. Wade, we march in support of moms and our dedication that every unborn child deserves a chance at life. 

The lineup for the Louisiana Life March Northwest will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the grassy area near the Louisiana Boardwalk. The march will begin at 10 a.m. and proceed across the Texas Street Bridge to the Festival Plaza. If you ride a motorcycle, come out to the Bass Pro parking lot at 9:30 am and help us lead the march.

Mission: Unite the pro-life people of Louisiana, across all denominational lines, to take a stand for life in our state’s capital city, and mobilize them with resources to go make a difference in their community. 


9:30 am  -  walkers meet at Louisiana Boardwalk

9:30 am  -  motorcycles line up at Bass Pro parking lot

10:00 am  -  march begins across Texas Street Bridge

** Cook Team see event in Church Center app **


Shreveport Festival Plaza

101 Crockett St.
Shreveport, LA 71101

Come As You Are - Sundays at 10 am