Kids These Days

Worship Center

This 4-part sermon series, Kids These Days, seeks to help adults better understand what challenges children and youth are facing today in an effort to encourage greater empathy and equip adults for greater discipleship of the next generation. Each week we will look at a unique challenge “kids these days” are facing, not just as individuals but as Christians, too. It’s important to understand the struggles of our younger brothers and sisters so that we might be able to comfort them with the comfort that we, ourselves, have received from God.

The Scriptures warn of the dangers of isolation. There is a great deal of encouragement to meet together with other believers, as it offers a strength that is not found by being alone. Verses like Hebrews 10:24–25, Proverbs 27:17, and Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 all point to the fact that we don’t just need fellowship with God; we need it with each other. We even see that Jesus himself was the Word made flesh (John 1:14); that he came in the physical form of human body and could be physically present with those he came to save mattered. God was not only with us in a philosophical sense; he was physically present with his precious
created ones.

Come As You Are - Sundays at 10 am