This four-week series, Keep In Step, looks at what Galatians 5 tells us about walking in the Spirit. As the Father is, so we are meant to be. We see throughout the New Testament that we can only be like the Father by imitating the life of the Son and walking hand in hand with the Spirit. This series will consider ways to "keep in step with the Spirit" (Galatians 5:25) through the new year.
We cannot do what our flesh wants and also serve the Spirit; we must choose which we will elevate. This is one of the most important aspects of keeping in step with God’s Spirit. It is perhaps the greatest crossroad. Will we do what we want to do for ourselves, or will we do what God calls us to do? It’s not possible to do both. Just as a child who has stopped dead in his tracks, distracted by a display in a candy store window, is incidentally left behind by his parents, so we are separated from the will of God by choosing to chase after our own interests.