His Hour

Sunday, April 13, 2025 • 10:00am-12:00pm

Worship Center

This four-week Easter series examines Jesus's repeated references to "His hour" throughout the Gospel of John, following the trail all the way to the cross. These sermons are designed to deepen your congregations's affection for Christ, as the hour of Jesus is that moment in time when God in Christ reveals His unconditional and unwavering love for the world.

God gave Jesus divine authority "over all flesh." Specifically, He gave Christ the keys to the kingdom as bestower of salvation. Jesus' "hour" is inextricably tied to His role as Savior. Thus, the hour of the Lord is that historical moment when Jesus freely offers salvation to the world, fulfilling everything that must be fulfilled in order to procure redemption for all believers. His hour is our salvation. Jesus is our salvation.

Come As You Are - Sundays at 10 am